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Accident at work

Josiah Hincks are not your standard “accident at work lawyers”. We offer business quality legal services to individuals and our lawyers each deal with your case directly rather than you being one of many files in a busy call centre.

Employers have a duty to provide a safe and secure working environment. Despite this, sometimes accidents at work can happen and you may have a personal injury claim and be entitled to recover compensation.

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In order to be successful you would need to show that your employer was negligent in not providing you with a safe working environment. A safe environment includes:

  • Being provided with a tidy working environment , with floors and corridors being free from hazards
  • Ensuring that any machinery or tools are safe to use and are in a good state of repair
  • Receiving training where necessary to use certain machinery or tools
  • Being provided with suitable workstations
  • Being provided with the appropriate safety wear including gloves, googles, high visibility jackets etc.
  • Being provided with safe, competent fellow employees

Typical accident at work claims include : –

  • Being run over with a fork lift truck being driven by a fellow employee;
  • Items falling from a height, having been stacked incorrectly;
  • Injuries caused by defective machinery, without emergency stop buttons or without appropriate guarding to dangerous areas of the machine;
  • Falling from a ladder;
  • Tripping or being injured by falling objects in a cramped working environment;
  • Occupational asthma or contact dermatitis due to continued use of chemicals without appropriate protection;
  • Slipping on a spillage;
  • Falling down unlit or unsafe stairs

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