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Patients affected as a result of failure by surgeons at Leicester Royal Infirmary

At least 13 patients have suffered physical harm at the hands of reconstructive surgeons at the Leicester Royal Infirmary’s Oral and Maxillo-Facial Unit, who were treating the patients for tumours in the head and neck.

The situation has been uncovered following a review by the Royal College of Surgeons who suspended surgery at the Hospital, relocating around 30 patients to other hospitals for treatment.

The harm is said to have occurred between 2009 and 2016 with some patients being left unable to eat properly and being significantly disfigured.

Josiah Hincks’ Solicitors have been consulted by one patient who was advised that there was no alternative treatment available to him other than for him to undergo surgery to remove the tumour.  The surgery has left him with significant problems in terms of being unable to eat and speak properly; experiencing difficulties in swallowing and having to live with a significant facial deformity.

The first indication the patient had that anything was amiss was when the Trust contacted him to advise that his case had been subject to a review and that in fact, there were other options available to him at the time of his diagnosis which would have resulted in a much better outcome for him and a better quality of life.

The patient has been advised that one of the surgeons in question has now retired and the other is to undergo further training.

The Trust say, “A number of patients have not had the outcome they should have had following their surgery… there are some patients who could have had better functional outcomes in terms of eating and drinking with less side-effects and improved cosmetic results if they had been offered an alternative operation technique…”

Vickki Ridgway, Chartered Legal Executive and specialist clinical negligence lawyer at Josiah Hincks says, “All patients undergoing a medical procedure must be given all of the information necessary to enable them to make an informed decision as to whether to undergo the procedure or have alternative treatment.  A failure to advise the patient of all the options available to them is negligent.”

If you are one of the individuals who have been affected as a result of treatment received via the Maxillo-Facial Unit at the Leicester Royal Infirmary, contact Vickki Ridgway on 01530 835041 or via email at

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