Josiah Hincks a Leicestershire based Law Firm and Burgis Bullock, a Midlands-based firm of chartered accountants co-sponsored a charity quiz night at the Leicester Tigers in aid of the charity, Hope Against Cancer.
The evening was co-sponsored by Josiah Hincks who have offices in Leicester, Blaby, Coalville and have recently opened a further office in Syston and Burgis & Bullock, Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers, who have offices in Leicester, Leamington Spa, Nuneaton, Rugby and London.
The charity event which raised £1,145 for Hope Against Cancer attracted 13 teams of over 80 guests ranging from businesses, professionals, contacts and prospective clients across the East and West Midlands.
Commenting on the amount of money raised on the night, Nigel Rose, Chief Executive at Hope Against Cancer said: “We are extremely grateful to the staff and partners at Burgis & Bullock and Josiah Hincks including everyone who attended the quiz night for making such a fantastic contribution towards the Charity.
[quote]“Hope Against Cancer is a national Cancer Research Centre of Excellence, one of only 15 in the UK and the only one in the East Midlands. It now has a pivotal role to play in funding and delivering vital research within the new Centre and this will prioritize leading practice changes in the early detection, prevention and treatment of cancer research projects with a clear benefit across the region.”[/quote]
Sean Farnell, Partner at Burgis & Bullock added: “Hope Against Cancer is a charity that is very close to Josiah Hincks following the untimely demise of Neil Head last year and we will be happy to offer our continued support at future charity events with Josiah Hincks”